Fundamental Research Expenses For The Central Universities in 2020

2020-03-16 14:16

1. lzujbky-2020-ct02,Impacts of global climate change on species diversity and adaptation mechanisms in the One Belt And One Road Hexi Corridor,2020.01-2021.12,Chen Jiani,host.

2. lzujbky-2020-cd01,Plant-soil feedback and species coexistence under grazing conditions: control experiments and theoretical models,2020.01-2021.12,Liu Xiang,host.

3. lzujbky-2020-34,Study on the speciation of Picea spruce,2020.01-2021.12,Ru Dafu,host.

4.lzujbky-2020-35,Spatio-temporal dynamics of species' diversification rates: deciphering the Humboldt's enigma,2020.01-2021.12,Nawal Shrestha,host.

5. lzujbky-2020-it17,Evolution and Phylogeny of Chloroplast Genome in Tectonia,2020.01-2021.12,Wu Ying,host.