Ji-Hua Wu, Ph.D.

2023-12-09 13:35

Professor, College of Ecology, Lanzhou University


Research Interests

Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, Soil food web, Above- and belowground biotic interactions, Biological invasions, Wetland ecology

Contact Information

Email: wjh@lzu.edu.cn

Work Experience

2022-      Professor, Lanzhou University, China

2008-2021  Professor, Fudan University, China

2003-2008  Associate Professor, Fudan University, China

2001-2003  Assistant Professor, Fudan University, China

Selected recent publications:

  1. Yan J, Zhang YZ, Crawford KM, Chen XY, Yu S, Wu JH*. 2021. Plant genotypic diversity effects on soil nematodes vary with trophic level. New Phytologist 229: 575–584.
  2. Pei JM, Li JQ, Mia S, Singh B, Wu JH*, Dijkstra FA. 2021. Biochar aging increased microbial carbon use efficiency but decreased biomass turnover time. Geoderma 382:114710.
  3. Wang SK, He Q, Zhang YZ, Sheng Q, Li B, Wu JH*. 2021. Habitat dependent impacts of exotic plant invasions on benthic food webs in a coastal wetland. Limnology and Oceanography doi:10.1002/lno.11679.
  4. Pei JM, Dijkstra FA, Li JQ, Fang CM, Su JH, Zhao JY, Nie M*, Wu JH*. 2020. Biochar-induced reductions in the rhizosphere priming effect are weaker under elevated CO2. Soil Biology and Biochemistry142: 107700.
  5. Pei JM, Li JQ, Fang CM, Zhao JY, Nie M*, Wu JH*. 2020. Different responses of root exudates to biochar application under elevated CO2. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 301:107061.
  6. Zhang YZ, Li B, Wu JH*, Pennings SC. 2020. Contrasting latitudinal clines of nematode diversity in Spartina alterniflora saltmarshes between native and introduced ranges. Diversity and Distributions 26: 623-631.
  7. Zhang P, Li B, Hu SJ*, Wu JH*. 2019. Invasive plants differentially affect soil biota through litter and rhizosphere pathways: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 22: 200–210.
  8. Zhang YZ, Pennings SC, Li B, Wu JH*. 2019. Biotic homogenization of wetland nematode communities by exotic Spartina alterniflora in China. Ecology 100(4)e02596.
  9. Zhang P, Neher DA, Li B, Wu JH*. 2018. The impacts of above- and belowground plant input on soil microbiota: invasive Spartina alterniflora versus native Phragmites australis. Ecosystems 21: 469–481.
  10. Zhang P, Nie M, Li B, Wu JH*. 2017. The transfer and allocation of newly fixed C by invasive Spartina alterniflora and native Phragmites australis to soil microbiota. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 113: 231-239.

Seleceted Research Grants

  1. 2021-2025, Wu JH (PI). Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on geographical distribution pattern of soil biodiversity in Chinese salt marsh wetlands and its mechanism. Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China.
  2. 2019-2022, Wu JH (PI). Latitudinal trends of litter decomposition of invasive and indigenous plants in salt marshes of China. National Natural Science Foundation of China.
  3. 2016-2019, Wu JH (PI). Effects of cattle grazing on soil biodiversity and carbon and nitrogen processes in salt marshes and their mechanisms. National Natural Science Foundation of China.