Yong-Zhi Yang,Ph.D.

2024-02-29 17:18


Email: yangyongzhi2008@gamil.com

Phone number: +86 15002664954

Research Interests

The main focus of my lab involves the evolutionary history of angiosperm and the conservation genomics studies in endangered plants. Using the newest sequencing technologies, we could fill the gaps in genomic information of the special lineages of angiosperms, which shed light on the origin and evolution of functional innovation phenotypes of such species and the phylogeny relationship of all angiosperms. We also investigated the population history of the endangered plants and revealed the mechanism of their extremely small population maintenance. Besides, we developed some toolkits to perform whole genome duplication identification and pan-genome analyses to help resolve these questions.


Ph.D., Ecology, Lanzhou University (2018)

B.A., Biology, Lanzhou University (2012)

Work Experience

Yong researcher, Lanzhou University (2019.01 – 2022.10)

Professor, Lanzhou University (2022.11 – present)

Selected Publications (# co-first author, * corresponding author)

1.     Zheng ZY, Zhu MJ, Zhang J, Liu XF, Hou LQ, Liu WY, Yuan S, Lou CH, Yao XH, Liu JQ*, Yang YZ*. A sequence-aware merger of genomic structural variations at population scale. Nature Communications 2024, 15(1), 960. Featured Articles

2.     Ma JX#, Sun PC#, Wang DD#, Wang ZY, Yang J, Li Y, Mu WJ, Xu RP, Wu Y, Dong CC, Shrestha N, Liu JQ, Yang YZ*. The Chloranthus sessilifolius genome provides insight into early diversification of angiosperms. Nature communications 2021, 12: 6929. Featured Articles

3.     Yang YZ#, Sun PC#, Lv L, Wang DD, Ru DF, Li Y, Ma T, Zhang L, Shen XX, Meng FB, Jiao BB, Shan LX, Liu M, Wang QF, Qin ZJ, Xi ZX*, Wang XY*, Davis CC*, Liu JQ*. Prickly waterlily and rigid hornwort genomes shed light on early angiosperm evolution. Nature Plants 2020, 6: 215-222. F1000 Faculty Opinions recommended paper; ESI high cited paper

4.     Chen Y#, Ma T#, Zhang LS, Kang MH, Zhang ZY, Zheng ZY, Sun PC, Shrestha N, Liu JQ*, Yang YZ*. Genomic analyses of a ‘living fossil’, the endangered dove-tree. Molecular Ecology Resources 2020, 20(3): 756-769.

5.     Yang YZ#, Ma T#, Wang ZF, Lu ZQ, Li Y, Fu CX, Chen XY, Zhao MS, Olson MS, Liu JQ*. Genomic effects of population collapse in a critically endangered ironwood tree Ostrya rehderiana. Nature communications 2018, 9: 5449.


Gene flow and speciation of two iron-wood species, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 31900201

Population genomics study on reticulate evolutions of the Chinese hazel species complex, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 32170219.

Academic Service

Reviewed for Journal: Cell Reports, Advanced Science, Horticulture Research, Communications Biology.